Tesselaar Tulip Festival
(did you spell Tesselaar correctly? maybe you came here from a search engine because I am getting lots of hits since I posted this page with the incorrect spelling of Tesselaar (Tesselars), since corrected. Their web site is here. Enjoy the festival, I wont cos I'm not in the country :-(, maybe next year) - Nimos 15/9/07
Hadn't been here for years. It was nice to spend a day a Tesselaars Tulip Festival in the Dandenongs during October. Rows and rows of tulips. Tulips originated in Turkey, not the Netherlands.
Hadn't been here for years. It was nice to spend a day a Tesselaars Tulip Festival in the Dandenongs during October. Rows and rows of tulips. Tulips originated in Turkey, not the Netherlands.