Death of a Sigma
I was saddened to hear that a friend's (who shall remain nameless) Mitsibishi Sigma Wagon had an altercation with an freeway onramp crash barrier ending a colourful life for the under-powered beast (no humans were injured). Some memories would be
- Long before my friend got his licence, his mum driving us in it and him "accidently" knock the car into Neutral while going up a steep hill.
- Mending a rusted hole in the boot. Carefully cutting away the rust, gluing sheet metal inside it and filling, before sealing and painting. Looked good after that.
- Repairing the roof lining. First with spray on adhesive, didn't work, then painting on the adhesive, still the lining fell down, before he used some other material.
- The altercation with a pole while I was in the car (everyone was fine), but the car needed a little repair on the spot to enable it move again.
- A hair raising ride down the Great Ocean Road to Apollo Bay, that I would rather not repeat. The breaks on the car failed 2 weeks later.
- Being told that it had been stolen from Chadstone car park. It showed up about two weeks later.