Monday, January 24, 2005

RMIT - no wonder they are going broke

RMIT have the worst administration system of any organisation I have ever had contact with.
As if re-enrolment wasn't bad enough, today I was given one of those all too familiar run arounds.
It started when I received a letter saying one of the courses I chose would not run in Semester 1, it took an email by Andrew to find out it was running in Semester 1, otherwise we wouldn't have known. The idea was to go in earlier and get it sorted and avoid the queues of the first week.

  • Stop A: The Hub - a one-shop stop for all your enquiries - except they can't do anything except sign concession forms and accept money, not even to find out who our program co-ordinator is. They are more than happy to tell you where to go though.
  • Stop B: SET Student Services - "... can you tell me who our program co-ordinator is?", "ummm, errrr, umm, I'm not sure, let me give someone a call", we did find out who it was.
  • Stop C: ECE (School) Office - can you process this form? as you sent it to us, oh no only the program co-ordinator can do that.
  • Stop D: The program co-ordinator, not there.
  • Stop E: The CSIT (School) Office - does our co-ordinator have a drop box? No. Can we give this to you to hand to him? No.
After that we gave up. I'll email our program co-ordinator and find out what I can do.

If I were at Monash, I would jump on the net, and after a few clicks, my courses would be swapped - no staff needed. It's faster for me, and will save the university a lot of time and therefore money.
This is not an isolated incident, this happens ALL THE TIME.


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