Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Scotland & The Lakes

From Stockholm my girlfriend and I caught a flight over to Glasgow for the start of our trip around the UK and Europe.
We caught up with one of my cousins in Glasgow before heading across to Edinburgh to see my Uncle as well as some of the sights. Below is a photo of some of the Christmas festivities against the Edinburgh skyline.

From Edinburgh we headed down through the border country visiting Roslin Chapel along the way. A really interesting place with lots of history and if you believe can use your imagination after reading the book or film.

Below a mirror-like lake in the border country.
We stayed in Cockermouth and visited my grandmother as well as a couple of days sightseeing around the lakes and the pencil museum (where they make Derwent Pencils).
Below is a photo of us at Derwent Water.

After this I "attempted" to drive over one of the passes but after the car went for a bit of a slide down the hill with the brakes as useless as tits on a bull I chickened out, did a 7 point turn and headed back, nearly not making it up the hill we just slid down. An experience I would rather not repeat.


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